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Ford 10R80 Deep
    Ford 10R80 Deep
    Purchase Ford 10R80 Deep
    • Ford 10R80 Deep
      Part Number 11164

    • Extra capacity pan for 2017 and newer Ford and Lincoln trucks and SUVs.

      Pan includes custom PML cork type gasket and a magnetic drain plug. Price varies with finish.

      To purchase extra gaskets, see PML Gasket for PML Ford 10R80 Transmission Pans.



    • OPTIONAL: add machining of a 1/8 NPT hole for an aftermarket temperature sending unit:

    Volume: about 1.9 quarts over stock

    Dimensions: Click here for dimensions.

    Number of Bolts: 18 bolts hold the pan on the transmission case

    PML has designed and manufactured a heavy duty, extra capacity Ford 10R80 transmission pan for 2017 and newer trucks and SUVs.

    Benefits of PML 10R80 Transmission Pan:

    • Drain and magnetic drain plug for easier fluid changes
    • Extra capacity
    • Heavy duty sand cast aluminum construction (not plastic)
    • Finned to increase surface area for heat dissipation
    • Thick walls and gasket flange
    • PML pan fits without modification to cooling tubes or exhaust
    • Includes custom PML cork type gasket

    Installation Notes:

    • Access to the stock pan may be difficult. On some vehicles, cooling tubes, exhaust pipes, frame cross members and skid plates must be removed or loosened and lowered. Video of an installation:
    • Thin, metal heat shielding around the edges of the stock pan may need to be trimmed or removed to fit on the PML pan.
    • Flange does not have holes on the side for blanket that wraps around transmission (blanket may only be on 2017 models).
    • PML pan may not work with factory skid plates without modification to plate or spacers.

    Pan may also fit 10R60 transmissions.

    Always check your vehicle configuration before ordering. There is a restocking fee for returns.

    See also PML Stock Capacity 10R80 Transmission Pan.

    Our thanks to those who provided pictures and information about their vehicles and to Walter's Transmission Shop in Temecula for providing a pan.

    This is a list of vehicles that may have a 10R80 transmission and may be able to use this pan:

    • 2020 and newer Bronco
    • 2018 and newer Expedition
    • 2020 and newer Explorer (may have 10R60)
    • 2017 and newer F–150
    • 2018 and newer Mustang
    • 2017 and newer Ranger, 2019 and newer in US
    • 2017 and newer Raptor
    • 2020 and newer Police Interceptors
    • 2020 and newer Transit Vans
    • 2018 and newer Lincoln Navigator
    • 2020 and newer Lincoln Aviator

    Always check your vehicle before ordering. Configurations vary and PML cannot guarantee fitment.

    Pan may also fit 10R60 transmissions.

    This pan has been installed on:

    • 2020 F150
    • 2019 Ranger
    • 2018 F150 XLT FX4
    • 2018 F150
    • 2018 Raptor
    • 2017 Raptor
    • 2017 F150

    2020 Ford F–150 3.5 EcoBoost

    Jim installed this PML pan on his 2020 F150 3.5 EcoBoost 4WD truck. He reported that "It went really well and we saved many steps in the process." Here are the details from Jim:

    All we did was remove 4 bolts and swung the front sway bar down and out of the way so we could get the cooler body and lines down as far as possible. After that all we had to do was maneuver the original pan down and out (we previously used suction to pull most of the fluid out of the pan) and then put the new pan in the same way. It just took a little maneuvering through the transmission lines and then putting things back together. We didn’t have to undue any of the exhaust or remove the cross-member or do anything else.

    2020 F150 3.5 4WD 2020 F150 3.5 4WD   Stock transmission pan on 2020 F150 Stock pan   Dropped bar and transmission cooling lines moved for access Bar and cooling lines dropped   PML 10R80 pan installed on a 2020 F150 PML pan installed
    Click on image to view larger in a new tab or window.

    2019 Ford Ranger 2.3L

    Ron installed this PML 10R80 transmission pan on his 2019 Ranger 2.3L 4WD truck. Everything went well, no problem. On his Ranger, the deeper PML pan had plenty of clearance to the exhaust and frame and no problem with ground clearance.

    2019 Ranger 2.3L 10R80 2019 Ranger 2.3L 10R80   10R80 stock transmission pan on a 2019 Ranger Stock transmission pan   Pumping fluid out of 10R80 transmission Pumping out old fluid
    10R80 transmission fluid on a 2019 Ranger Filter   PML 10R80 pan clears frame and exhaust with plenty of distance to ground PML pan allows plenty of clearance to ground and frame   PML 10R80 transmission pan installed on a 2019 Ranger 2.3L PML pan installed
    Click on image to view larger in a new tab or window.

    2018 F-150 XLT FX4

    George installed this PML transmission pan on his 2018 F-150 XLT FX4.

    2018 F-150 XLT FX4 2018 F-150 XLT FX4   2018 F-150 XLT FX4 with stock transmission pan Stock Pan   2018 F-150 XLT FX4 with PML transmission pan being installed Installing new PML pan   2018 F-150 XLT FX4 with PML transmission pan PML pan
    Click on image to view larger in a new tab or window.

    2018 Ford F–150

    On many vehicles, accessing the transmission pan is a long, complex procedure and should only be done by a professional.

    This PML Ford 10R80 pan was installed on a 2018 Ford F–150 5.0L 2WD truck. Our thanks to Torrance Transmissions (310-378-9217) for their expertise and allowing us to take pictures and video the installation.

    2018 F150 2WD V8 5.0L 2018 F150 2WD V8 5.0L   Ford 10R80 stock transmission pan on a 2018 F150 Ford 10R80 transmission stock pan   Removing stock transmission pan on a 2018 Ford F 150 Removing stock pan   Replacing Ford 10R80 transmission filter Putting on new filter
    Installing PML Ford 10R80 transmission pan on a 2018 F-150 Installation of PML 10R80 transmission pan   Fill hole on Ford 10R80 case Filling PML transmission pan   PML transmission pan installed on on 2018 Ford F150 PML pan installed on 2018 F150   PML 10R80 transmission pan fits with stock cooling lines, exhaust and frame PML pan fits nicely!
    Click on image to view larger in a new tab or window.

    Video of installation:

    2018 Ford Raptor

    David installed this PML pan on his 2018 Ford Raptor 3.5HO 4x4. He reported that the pan was "super easy" to install with the exhaust off.

    Stock transmission pan, 2018 Ford Raptor Stock Pan   Trans cooling tubes on 2018 Raptor Cooling Tubes   PML transmission pan installed on 2018 Raptor PML Pan Installed
    Click on image to view larger in a new tab or window.

    2017 Ford Raptor

    Shawn installed this PML 10R80 pan on his 2017 Ford Raptor 802A, 3.5L V6 High Output Turbo, 4WD. During the installation, he discovered his stock pan was leaking. Shawn did need to modify the skid plate for the PML pan to fit.

    On this Raptor, loosening or removing the cooling lines was needed for access. Shawn cut off the push pin clips on the shield around the transmission since the PML pan did not have a provision for them.

    The skid plate has a bump that hit the deer pan. So they cut out the bump. Distance from bottom of PML pan to skid plate is now 3/8 inch.

    2017 Ford Raptor 2017 Ford Raptor   Skid plate on 2017 Raptor Skid Plate   Stock transmission pan, 2017 Raptor Stock Transmission Pan

    PML 10R80 transmission pan on 2017 Raptor PML Transmission Pan Installed   2017 Raptor skid plate modified for PML pan Skid Plate Modification   PML pan installed, tightening cooling line bracket Finishing Installation
    Click on image to view larger in a new tab or window.

    2017 Ford F–150

    Charlie at installed this PML 10R80 transmission pan on his 2017 F150 3.5 Ecoboost 4WD with the Max Towing Package.

    • Charlie had space near the exhaust but he had to temporarily drop the cooling tubes. The tubes went back into place without a problem.
    • He cut the heat shielding around the flange since it would not fit on the passenger side near the rear.
    • The transmission shield that wraps around the transmission has push pin clips that go into the side of the transmission pan. The PML pan does not have holes for these push pin clips. Charlie checked and reported that shield was secure without the clips.

    2017 F150 3.5 Ecoboost 4WD Max Towing Package 2017 F150 3.5 Ecoboost 4WD Max Towing Package   2017 F150 Stock Transmission Pan Stock Transmission Pan   PML 10R80 transmission pan installed on 2017 F150 PML transmission pan installed on 2017 F150
    Click on image to view larger in a new tab or window.

    Stock Pan, Transmission, Filter and Dipstick

    PML designed our transmission pan to work with the stock transmission, filter, dipstick and level check/fill procedure. PML allowed for the cooling lines, plates, exhaust and frame near the pan.

    PML recommends a cork type gasket with our transmission pans. Starting in May 2024, PML includes a custom cork composite gasket with each PML 10R80 pan. The OEM gasket may also be used.

    Ford 10R80 transmission, filter on transmission with stock transmission pan and gasket, stock transmission pan, OEM dipstick and fill hole plug:

    10R80 Transmission 10R80 Transmission   10R80 Transmission and Pan and Gasket 10R80 Transmission and Pan and Gasket   10R80 Transmission Pan and Gasket 10R80 Transmission Pan   10R80 dipstick and fill hole plug 10R80 dipstick and plug from the fill/level check hole
    2018 F150 undercarriage plate Undercarriage plate covering stock transmission pan on 2018 F150   Plate covering 10 speed transmission pan Transmission pan is under the insulation. There are also tubes below the stock pan and insulation.   Plate covering 10 speed transmission pan Dropping the undercarriage plate to get access to the stock transmission pan.   Driver side, trans pan, 18 f150 2018 F150, driver side view, stock transmission oil pan
    Click on image to view larger.

    On some vehicles, there is heat shielding insulation around the stock pan and undercarriage protection. There are also cooling tubes and exhaust pipes that must be moved to access the stock pan.

    Ford and GM jointly developed a 10 speed transmission. Ford calls it a 10R80 and GM calls it a 10L80. The pans are not the same.

    Inside of PML Pan and Bosses on Side Walls

    The inside of the PML pan has ridges similar to the stock pan.

    On the left and right side walls, PML has two bosses. These are thick, round areas that can be drilled and tapped. A common use would be for a temperature sending unit to monitor the temperature of the fluid in the pan. The bosses are about 0.9 inches in diameter.

    Inside of PML 10R80 Transmission Pan Inside of PML 10R80 pan   On the inside, boss on side wall of 10R80 Transmission Pan Boss of side wall of PML 10R80 pan, inside of pan   On the outside, boss on side wall of 10R80 Transmission Pan Boss of side wall of PML 10R80 pan, inside of pan  Click on an image to view larger.

    Drain and Optional Temperature Sending Unit Machining

    Drain, Bosses on PML 10R80 Deep Transmission Pan Drain hole and 1/8 NPT locations shown  Click on image to view larger.

    Drain hole information:

    • Drain hole is on the bottom of the pan, toward the rear, on the passenger/right side
    • Magnetic drain plug is a 3/8 NPT and recessed so the plug does not hang down
    • Magnetic drain plug is included
    • A drain hole makes servicing the transmission easier as fluid can be replaced without dropping the pan

    Optionally, this pan can be machined for an aftermarket temperature sending unit. There are bosses (thick, round areas) on the left and right sides of the pan for this. If you would like PML to drill and tap a hole, there is a custom machining charge. Select the option when you purchase before clicking ADD TO CART button. A plug for the hole is included. The standard size is 1/8 NPT. Call or email if you need a different size.

    Included With Transmission Pan

    PML pan ships with magnetic drain plug and gasket, as cast finish   PML pan ships with magnetic drain plug and gasket, black powder coat finish  Click on image to view larger.

    This PML pan ships with a custom PML cork type gasket and a magnetic drain plug and installation instructions. To purchase extra gaskets, see PML Gasket for PML Ford 10R80 Transmission Pans.

    Reference the Ford procedures for filling and checking fluid level.

    PML 10R80 Deep, 10R80 Stock Capacity and Stock Transmission Pans Compared

    PML 10R80 Transmission Pans compared to stock   PML 10R80 Transmission Pans compared to stock at rear
    Click on image to view larger.

    PML 10R80 Transmission Pans compared to stock   PML 10R80 Transmission Pans compared to stock
    Click on image to view larger.

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